Will Y.

If you are thinking about moving to Flamingo South Beach.. DONT. Save yourself the time, Money, Headache and disappointment that is 100% guaranteed to come along with living there. Firstly, Security are extremely rude and certainly don't 'Secure' anything. Whilst sat on a chair playing on their phones they have forgotten how to open the gate for residents that may be carrying bags or heavy loads. When my small girlfriend was trying to pass through when the gate was clearly broken they said "Push It Lady" We also had issues with them allowing anyone and everyone to pass through onto the premises that were more than happy to come in our halls, steal our clothes out the dryers, steal our towels from around the pool & kick my front door causing it to crack which the "Maintenance" (A man with clearly no background in repair or social skills) kindly didn't replace and just glued and painted over the large cracks! Not very safe.Secondly, the Elevators. Prepare to have a good leg work out every other day because the stairs will be you're savior when the Elevators break down on a daily basis leaving hundreds of residents using the 1 only working Elevator out of 4. Of course the Flamingo don't rush to fix the problem instead find it easier to place a large flower pot in between the doors.. Real professional.I won't go into detail about neither Pools working for the last few weeks and the constant banging from the "work" they have apparently been doing on them. The fire alarms constantly going off at least once a week that of causes us to stop what we are doing even if that's sleeping to evacuate the building. They charge you for EVERYTHING and don't expect you're deposit back when you finally get the chance to escape.If you are looking to move to South Beach and you want water views with a great location there is so much available! Even check out some of the buildings next to the flamingo such as The Waverly.The Flamingo is a complete mess with no respect or concern for their current residence.Save yourself.