Anastasia A.

The management don't care about people, ignore problems, make living there stressful. I'm saying that after living there for almost two years. Even after I moved out, I cannot get my deposit back on time because someone in the office made a mistake. Also, I had to experience living without drying machine for more then a month, because it was broken and they were ignoring this problem. I had to send requests multiple times, visit service department.Another thing, if you have a guest staying at your place, you have a limit of 1 week. For paying $2700 rent I couldn't have my parents who came to visit for only 3 weeks. Other buildings allow guests to stay few weeks.Every time an issue accrued, the management tried to ignore problem rather solving it.My neighbor had a problem with a dog living above her and pooping on her balcony. It took her long time to solve the issue as management was ignoring her, making her wait. If you move in there, maybe you would be lucky enough not to face any issue. Then you would enjoy living there. But as soon as a problem occurs and you need a help from the management - thats when it becomes stressful.