Brian H.

One of my life's regrets is moving into the Flamingo. I am writing this to help others avoid an extremely unpleasant living experience at the Flamingo.1. The 2nd week we moved in we had a leak in our walk-in closet from the air condition this water damaged most of our clothing and they had drying equipment installed for 3 days. The same issue occurred again 4 weeks later. Once again 5 months later there was a fire in the apt above, flooding the entire apartment again. My concern is mold and its health issues.2. On 7 different occasions between 1am and 3 am we were awoken the flamingo security staff at the door. The staff gave us a noise violations and eviction warnings for being too loud. After the first warring I used a decibel meter and tested the proper legal level for our TV volume. They continued to wake us up with warnings explanation was that we were talking to loud during a dinner party with 6 guests that ended at 9 pm. 3. The fire alarms are constantly going off all times. There is an average of 4 per week night and day. How can tenants feel safe?4. At two different occasions, there were "Police Crime Scene Investigation" vans parked outside entrance. 3 weeks before we moved out a "Miami Crime Scene Cleaning" van was at the front entrance.5. Friends they stated that the Flamingo is a well-known for drug sales. Later I confirmed I witnessed different people handing cash and being handed items from cars at the entrance.6. I love to grill and by my calculations there are 2 grills for 3,200 tenants. While I was grilling one night at 7:30 and security asked me to stop grilling and to leave. I was quietly listening to my headphone and grilling food to take back to my apartment. I said that I would finish in 10 minutes and the security guard returned with a local police officer to have me arrested. The police confirmed I lived at the Flamingo and he told the Flamingo security staff "to stop wasting his time" and left me to my grilling.7. There is mold and water damage in all hallways and a constant smell of urine in the stairwells thought the entire complex again a big health issue.8. We had our service animal certified by a well-known legally certified "PhD Psychiatrist". The Flamingo management team started putting eviction letters under our door at 2 am waking us up on 4 occasions. Were constantly threatened by management and charged a surprise $350 per month for damage pet fee. After a meeting with the General Manager of the property she told one of us to move out with the dogs in order to stop this harassment. This is an illegal act and a violation of our rights.9. The court yard has a standing water in the planters and communal areas for the mosquitos to ignoring the Zika virus issues in Miami. Also, the pet owners battle a major flea infestation on the untreated lawns. 10. Security in our hallway is bad, drunk people kept banging on our door and tried to force their way in to our apartment randomly. 11. The common residential balconies have underwear, towels, used condoms, and clothing discarded and left for months with no cleaning done by management. 12. Residents leave their garbage in the common hall way because they cannot find the trash shoot. 13. There were several vandalism incident's including in the parking garage. Cars were vandalized with spray paint. In an email from Flamingo Management they confirm it was a tenant doing the damage. 14. Drunk people sleeping in the lobby and courtyard are constant issue. Due to not having anyone manning each of the lobby desks.15. I was charged $319 for "paint and cleaning" move out charges after I painted the walls and had my place professionally cleaned.16. I only posted this after receiving my deposit which in their writing states I will receive within 10 business days of your move (I received 39 days after the allotted time) in which the check was shorted $319. (Based on several reviews stating that is a common practice for the Flamingo to not return deposits.)Mission and Vision statement from AIMCO the management company of the Flamingo. OUR MISSION:To consistently provide quality apartment homes in a respectful environment delivered by a team of people who care.OUR VISION:"To be the best owner and operator of apartment communities, inspired by a talented team committed to exceptional customer service, strong financial performance, and outstanding corporate citizenship."The Flamingo management did not "provide quality apartment homes in a respectful environment delivered by a team of people who care." And as for the vision, we can clearly see that the main concern for Flamingo management is to have a "strong financial performance" with disregard to the tenant's wellbeing. Mine is one of many critical reviews for the Flamingo and the purpose of this is to make sure that any new tenants are aware of discrimination, unethical practices, pour business acumen and general contempt for the residents that they may experience