Amy B.

This is the most awful place I have ever lived. No one knows what is going on here. Do not rent here no matter what! I rented my unit sight unseen. The landlord did not disclose there was construction going on in the complex. I moved here from out of state and walked into a complete disaster! This is not the Flamingo I remember from years ago that was beautiful and luxurious and slightly crazy. This is like living at Ground Zero but with way more toxic debris in the air, giving you asthma, sinusitis or some other allergy infinitely and endlessly. The walls and windows are paper thin, not hurricane safe. I feel like a caged animal, walking through the property. I can't even enter my building where the entrance is because it's blocked from construction. They are violating all codes including ADA. I have no idea how or who they're paying locally to pull off this out of code construction. It's the most horrific living experience of my life and I've only been here less than a week. Do not believe anyone's fantasy that this is a safe or healthy place. It is not! No one that works here knows anything about anything! Their goal is to make everything as difficult as possible for anyone stupid enough to live here. So don't be stupid and don't live here. Learn from my mistake!