Tina M.

Where should i begin. First of all although the security at this place (North tower to be exact, south tower you guys were cool) is BEYOND ridiculous and over the top. I'm all for securing the premises for all tenants and guests but it was more like harassing and bullying whoever crossed paths with them or just whenever they felt like it. I don't know what the qualifications for being hired here are or what the training is like but i'm guessing if you know how to talk down to people, abuse authority that you do not have and confiscate guest passes then you are right for the job! One would think if you jump through all the hoops of entering the property and going through that first stage of security you would be good once you pass the gates...NOPE. i was there from a friday to friday and apparently on monday there was a change in rules that guests could no longer use the pool facilities. So you can imagine the embarrassment & look on my face when on Thursday we get rudely kicked out of the pool area with minimal rhyme or reason behind it due to this "new rule". we had been there multiple times before then, and saw other people being turned away for not having passes so when they asked for our guest pass we thought we were good but it wasn't good enough this time. They even went so far as threatening to kick us off the property because of this rule that they failed to inform the guests about. There were other incidents that occurred bc of untamed security but this was the icing on the cake that showed how they just wanted to be a$$holes whenever they felt like it. Mind u the pool area was not even close to being fully occupied so till this day i'm still wondering what bug crawled up inside them. An immediate change in security is necessary for this place bc the method of treating people who spent lots of money being there like criminals just isn't cutting it, I am truly still amazed by it.