I left a start because I had to. During my stay I had to deal with duck poop everywhere and black and red ants all over my apartment! I was able to deal with those things but what makes me most upset about this company is that I was forced to move out 3 days before my lease was over since it ended on Christmas Eve and they didn't want to do my walk-through on the weekend. Any company that is not insensitive would allow me to turn my key in a day late rather than 3 days early. Why would I have to pay for 3 extra days that I'm not even given the option to use. Anyway, I switched my schedule around to make sure I had everything out 3 days sooner, I watched the move out video and read all instructions. Regardless of how clean I left the aprtment, they charged be $500 to clean and paint the apartment. The wall had a small pencil mark that could have easily been erased but instead they charged me hundreds of dollars for painting. I will never live in any aimco community again.