Paul Madera

Do not move here. I lived here for 3 years. Should have moved out sooner, but I was stubborn and really hate moving. I also never complain or write reviews about anything, but felt compelled here. I had at least 10 times where major leaks sprung from the ceiling; either from the rain (not hurricane rain, just regular Miami rain) or from what I was told was pipe leaks from the unit upstairs. This involved flooding in the kitchen and rooms, damage to my furniture, and of course damage to the walls. And again, this was several times. Guess who paid for painting the damaged walls after move out? In the contract, they put in the clause that the unit must be returned in the same condition it was received in. Apparently, that includes damages that resulted from the poor infrastructure of these units that were never properly repaired. The pictures I've attached are not the worst, but I don't have the time to find the others. Don't expect to get anything from your deposit back. I can see I'm not alone here reading these reviews. To add to complaints: management is never helpful, the office is impossible to contact by phone, and my car was towed. Regarding the car, I paid my parking fees the whole time I was there. One night coming home from work late, I drove around the lot for nearly an hour looking for a parking spot with no luck. I parked out of the way on the side of the road seeing no other options and being that I had to be up early the next morning. My car (again, with parking sticker on display) was towed. My front end was damaged in the process. Management's response about the whole event was to be better about finding a parking spot. Overall, happy to be done with this place. I'm surprised they made it up to 2 stars.