Edit: I should point out that the response from the owner is completely false, so you can add publicly lying to the list of issues. The community itself was nice. It's well kept and in a quiet location. However, the management staff are completely incompetent. I had two major maintenance issues while living there: an AC unit leaking water through the ceiling, and a malfunctioning/leaking dishwasher. The AC unit took three separate visits to get fixed, and I had to give up completely on the dishwasher after four failed attempts by them to fix it. My issue is that after each visit I was assured that the problems were fixed, when clearly this was not the case. I was also threatened eviction by the office staff on two different occasions because they had the incorrect apartment. Once for my neighbor's satellite dish and once for having an "illegal female resident". I understand that mixups happen, but this happened twice and both times the staff were incredibly rude and accusatory until they realized they were dealing with the wrong apartment. I was given no apology in either case. After moving out I was charged for not returning a key and a parking permit, which were both returned to staff at move out. Now I'm stuck fighting with the parent company two weeks after moving out because the Four Quarters staff are too incompetent to keep track of their own move out process. Bottom line: avoid this place like the plague.