Renters beware! They will find any little excuse to suck money out of you. We have already lost around 1000 dollars in fines and charges! 1. I remember very well when I asked Marianella about what happens if I bring a car that is without a sticker for a few day (I was afraid that they would tow it, and that's why I asked). She assured me that nothing would happen to my car if it was without a sticker for a maximum of 7 days. I got the sticker for my car on the 6th day, and nothing happened. A few months later, my car broke, so I rented a car for a few days. Take into account that we are rule abiding tennats, but none of that matters to them anyways. The car being repaired is the one with the sticker, whereas the car I rented has no sticker. Having remembered the conversation with Marianella, I kept the rented car parked for a few days. On the 4th day, they towed my rented car!! and now I have no transportation + they will charge me hundreds of dollars in towing fees... I am fuming!! they don't give a damn about their residents!! and we already pay for 2 CAR STICKERS every month!! None of that matters to them, if you rent a car and do not tell them about it, or forget to report to them, they will tow it away, even if you are a rule-abiding renter that already pays more than 30 dollars a month in parking stickers!!! This place is like being in a detention center, where they are continuously punishing even if you are innocent. These people are the most unreasonable and the worst in the business. I am not going to be staying here for longer than the required contract. Oh, but that is not all.... 2. The first month we paid for the rent we made a stupid mistake when we entered the information of the checking account number. Long story short, one of us is technologically impaired and put the wrong quanity of numbers of the checking account. That mistake costed us 300 dollars!! Whether you believe their lies and act upon them or you are purposedly breaking their rules, you will pay dearly for it. I understand if you punish people who make this kind of stuff on purpose and avoid paying for their parking stickers, but rule-abiding residents who already pay you and are never late on their rent??? I mean, come on!! There is no way I will come back to this place. Their disgusting administration is reason enough not to stay here any longer. I will not forget about this.