Katherin Johnson

I'm a CURRENT resident and if I can give you all a piece of advice, DO NOT MOVE HERE. The staff is disgustingly disrespectful and RUDE. I went in to ask questions on my rent bill and the girl who originally helped me Marianella jumped in my conversation with the other staff to basically tell her not to help me. We don't stay here free, I'm a store manager and was livid when she dared to get into my conversation with someone else and then proceed to tell her to send me to call instead. That's not how you deal with the people who are paying to live there. I will make sure the email I plan on writing gets to everyone with all the details of the horrendous experiences I've had. Do not rent here, the ONLY reason I will not renew my lease is due solely on the lack of respect and attention the staff gives their PAYING RESIDENTS.