Danielle Coffey

In reference and response to the below review i wrote last weeK and to the owner amico. I am.even more unhappy now that Jenny the property manger has reached out to me. She called while I was at work and I was unable to answer the phone. The voicemail message she left that I saved went like this. Yo. Danielle I'm calling about the review you wrote and we need to set up a meeting...... really!@?? Yo ?? Then to come home I have a email from her. I email Jenny back stating I am more then happy to have a meeting in regards to having my 20+ year old a.c. fixed. But I am very busy and will not be having a meeting to discuss my review seeing how I have a 8 week old baby and work full time. I will attach below part of her actual email back to me. The issues that have occurred with your unit have been different issues that have been recorded on each occasion as our operating standard requires. Please see below the history of your unit and the work completed for each of your request. This information should also be available on your resident portal as well. 8/05/17 - #130640-1 Cleaned drain, replaced filter, replaced a capacitor, and added Freon 3/13/17 - #129021-1 Changed board 2/11/17 - #128797-1 Change capacitor fan 2/10/17 - #128735-1 Cleaned handler, replaced A/C filter 12/05/17 -#128206-1 Reset breaker 11/25/17 - #128107-1 Reset breaker, replaced A/C filter 5/25/15 - #12551-1 Replace A/C filter 8/24/14 - #10226-1 Cleaned vents/ducts #10221-1 Cleaned handler and replaced A/C filter 3/3/14 - #8604-1 Clean coil 11/17/13 - #7977-1 Replaced contactor and transformer 10/02/13 - #7654-1 Clean drain it was clogged At this time we would like to schedule an appointment for one of the service techs to stop by and visit with you so that they can explain to you how to maintain the air handler area so that it does not continue to clog. Please tell us a date and time that you is convenient for you so that we can schedule accordingly in order to avoid this from continuing to happen. You're A/C unit is not in need of replacement at this time, however it is recommended that the A/C filter always be replaced anywhere between every 15 to 30 days. Courtesy A/C filters are available for you to pick up in our office at your own convenience. ........ so basically she is trying to blame the a.c. issues on me??? And thinks I need training on how to maintain a a.c.???!! ..... I didn't even respond after this..... I'm so upset that I literally just signed my renewal for the year. I guarantee I will not be renewing next year if I even make it that long. I can't believe that she would even suggest that not changing a air filter would be the issue. And just a fyi 70% of the time that I've gone to the office to get a free air filter they say they are all out. ... anyways this was my experience. Do not move here, ya, sure they are remodeling everything, but trust me it's all a cover up. In reality everything in these apartments don't work properly, I'll start with my biggest complaint, my a.c. constantly breaks, it is a 20+ years old but they refuse to replace it, instead every few months it breaks and they put a bandaid on it. The manger Jenny is so incredibly rude it's unbelievable. I have a 7 week new born and a 1 year old and today in.miami it was 105 degrees with the news warning of heat stroke and I am left with my newborn and 1 year old sweating in this heat tonight, praying the issue will be fixed tomorrow. I have posted another review on here about 3 years ago with the same issue, and it's still not resolved. The only reason I stayed so long here is I have either been pregnant or had a newborn the last few years. Don't be fouled with the lies a of a remodeled and new apt. The only thing new is the external. What you can't see is 20+ years old. And like I said you won't get anywhere with Jenny the manger. It's like once you move in they couldn't care less about you.