I was a lease holder for 3 years. Throughout these three years I was extremely disappointed. Level of service and engagement or lack thereof is embarrassingly bad. Raising issues and concerns to Management personnel is non holistic and close minded. No opportunity for dialogue. Their way or the highway. At the time when signing my lease of what became my last year there I decided to change to a month to month agreement as every year the rent rate kept going up without any additional benefits towards tenured lease holders. Additionally they kept coming up with ludicrous charges on amenities that should be included. Gate access key fob (gate always broken) Gym access Parking (yes, they charge a fee) Obligatory renters insurance Service calls were never addressed on a timely basis. (24hrs). The recurrent one was the A/C unit had to be serviced 8 times. Hot Miami summer. No A/C for days. The last straw was when mold was literally pouring out of the A/C vents. I called for service. The maintenance employee PAINTED on top of the A/C vents and called it a day... Found a new place. Moved out. Here's the kick: A YEAR LATER I received a letter stating I was being sued by them claiming I left without giving sufficient notice therefore I owed them a month's rent...bear in mind, I was on a month to month agreement. Disgusting. To add insult to injury they also had a laundry list of charges owed to them. From faded paint to bug control to overgrown grass in between the patio concrete (I'm not kidding) to cracked wood on stairwell. The units are not in the best condition when you move in yet they expect for them to miraculously be in better conditions when you move out. I kept the place in tip top shape. That's who I am. That's how I was brought up. It was my home. I even hired a steam cleaning service to take care of the carpets. Luckily for me I took pictures before I moved out. I spent more money on hiring an attorney than what they claimed I owe them and it was all well worth it. I was not going to let them get away with outlandish deception and lies. Word to the wise.... if you value being treated with dignity and respect look elsewhere.