HORRIBLE!!!! If you are thinking about moving in DON"T! I saw the website and it looked nice, went in for a visit and their model home made me think there was potential. I let the leasing agent know that my four year old son had allergies to roaches among other things so the carpet also was a cause for concern. She then reassured my girlfriend and I that the carpet was pretty much brand new and they fumigated regularly. However after moving in I started noticing droppings here and there, we would hear noises in the night. The carpet was ok but I later found that they had cut up a hole in it and replaced the patch. So I contacted them about the roaches and few other minor things, they told me I would have to go through a website to put in a maintenance request. (which is an absolute pain) So I did this and a few days later I received an email saying that they had completed the job. This happened a few times for many different things. After getting the run around I called the office, angry that no one had come by my place, my son was breaking out on his arms and legs so this carpet had to have been dirty and there are roaches everywhere now. The leasing agent then told me that she would send in someone that day. Which they did, he came and sprayed and laid a few traps...the result NOTHING AT ALL Aside from the infestation of roaches I lived in for two months, that place was sooo poorly designed. It flooded whenever it rained, they have a nice exterior but shabby interior. They make it look nice by patching up the holes and painting over it. By the time I left I had three holes in my walls; one from me walking and placing my hand on the wall and my thumb literally fell through and created a hole. Another from my son who opened the bathroom door and the wall crumbled when the doorknob touched it. And another then I wanted to mount a picture, hammer the nail in, and a two finger gap gives way... I waited no more than three months to leave that place and I ran. The cherry on the cake is that they are charging me the following 100 for cleaning (when I cleaned and scrubbed everything) 280 for patching holes 1000 for REPLACING THE CARPET DUE TO STAINS (now you see how they claim the carpet is new) 2500 for short notice 2600 for cancellation fee Hear me, turn around now while you still can. They charge a high price to seem nice an luxurious, but its nothing more than a nicely painted piece of garbage