The best part about this place was the parking scenario. I've lived in places where it's impossible to find parking, and currently moved to a place that's has very little parking, but that was maybe one of two positive things ahead while living there. The toilet is an economy toilet so your tank fills up with about a third of the water, this means you have to flush your toilet about 3 times just to push down toilet paper. My electric box caught fire one time and when I asked my neighbor if I should call the emergency hotline, he told me to please not do so he would take care of it tomorrow (he was maintenance ). Being that I didn't think it a good idea to have an electric box I was smoking and on fire we called the emergency hotline, who in turn called the maintenance guy who was very upset to have been bothered on his day off. We hadn't realized how poorly and conditions apartment was until after the ceiling tiles fell along with the AC vent dripping. Apparently there had been some sort of leak or Flooding at some point because the ceiling was covered in water stains once we remove the remaining ceiling tiles. A water spot later forms in another area of our ceiling and supposedly the complex fixed it, but somehow the spot looked even bigger after the fact. Plus side, they have a washer and dryer, downside it fits about half the load of clothes of a typical washer and dryer. Also God forbid you don't wake up at 7 a.m. every day naturally because every time tenants around you move out, no notice of maintenance will be given. You will just wake up to regular hammering, drilling, sanding, Etc. This will happen regularly because only two of my neighbors have stayed in their apartment for more than one year. Add to that the smell of the pesticides and chemicals they use, that you will have no warning about, that will literally encompass your entire apt. And hopefully you have moved in after the renovations, because your rent will continue to go up yearly even if you live in the oldest model apartment, you know so they can fund the renovations for the other apartments that no one is living in.