Danielle Coffey

This place is awful to live. They make everything look clean and nice when you first move in but you will soon see everything start to fall apart. In less then a year that I've lived here I've had to call maintenance more times then I can remember. The ac breaking every 2 months, they refuse to replace it instead do a quickand cheap patch job (and I was told I can't put my ac lower then 73deg I'm in Miami!!!) like all the other maintenance issues. So far my stove has broke 3x (still isn't working correctly) ,my ac more x then I can remember( still doesn't work properly) my kitchen and bathroom are both leaking as I type this, both 3x , my front door lock has jammed up supposedly due to the weather so I wasn't able to lock my front door for 2 days. The list goes on and on, I won't even get started on the washer and dryer because I will be here forever. My advice move somewhere else.