Rachel Curzon

DO NOT RENT AT FOXCHASE!!! I retract my previous 4-star review immediately upon learning what a financial, physical and emotional death trap this place is. I lived there for a year and almost lost my mind due the disgusting and uncomfortable living conditions at a premium rental cost. Cockroaches everywhere, overflowing trash dumpsters every week, toilet that always became clogged and rarely flushed correctly, outdated and horribly filthy kitchen with old and often broken appliances, loud, rude neighbors that smoked inside and the smell would drift into my apartment and the list goes on. I hated every minute of living there and could not wait to get out of the lease so much so that I subleased the place. Now I'm on the hook for $1600 because the woman I subleased to did not give 60 days notice before moving out and the leasing managers will not work with me on removing the charge. I'm a reasonable person but $1600 for a notice fee is unreal and unfair. I hope no one else has to endure what I went through there for $1600/month hence why I am writing this awful review of Foxchase. Beware and look elsewhere even you have to pay a little more, in the end it'll probably save you.