
I moved in with my husband since he is renting here. Things were good at first. The longer I've lived here the worse it became. I don't mind a charming older apt. I do mind management not thinking through some of the decisions though. Particularly the noise level. First of all, it's nice that they are upgrading apts to make them more modern, yet when the apt above us was being renovated we received NO notice and there was extremely loud noises during the construction process. At that time I had a new born baby and was home with her during all of this. It took a week to complete and I had to take my newborn baby in my car for her to sleep peacefully. If I had notice beforehand I could have made arrangements for my newborn and I. I'm sure the upgrade was very nice, BUT the new washer and dryer they installed in the apt above us must be ancient and/or cheap because it makes loud noises especially during the last drain and spin cycle. Ours in our apt is really loud too, but what makes it worse above us is that it vibrates and sounds like a loud motor every time the people above us do laundry. I'm very surprised that management would choose such cheap (also very small) washers that make such loud noise especially for a building that is older and harder to barrier noise. We never heard any noise before the renovation. Washer and dryers today are much quieter so I'm not sure which ones management chose to elect but they definitely went the cheap route without thinking through the noise level. We've brought this up to management and although they said they'd check it out, they've opted to do nothing about it and asked if we wanted the people to do laundry only during the day. It's not the tenants fault at all and they are entitled to do laundry however often and whenever they choose. It is the apt management decisions and the fact that they wouldn't put customers service first is a shame. I asked if they could install quieter washers upstairs and even in our apt and nothing was done. It seems like an easy fix and I know there has been similar complaints. For the price we pay I expect a lot more.