Fees, endless fees. Also paying for parking is a joke since finding a spot late at night can be impossible due to all the cars without parking stickers that park on site, look elsewhere for an apartment if you have a car. Don't forget about the endless fees to a group of con artists know as conservice, con is even in the name! Edit dropping a star due to issues with the front doors of the apartment buildings. The front door of every foxchase apartment building is secured very poorly by a mag lock which can easily be forced open with a swift yank of the front door no key needed. This method of "opening" the front door of the building was used so much by maintenance and others it got to the point the door of my building would no longer close since it had become so heavily damaged. I put in multiple maintenance requests to have the front door fixed with some being marked complete even no work was ever done. If you're a person who values security look to rent elsewhere because foxchase management doesn't care if you live in a building that can be accessed by anyone who just pulls on the front door.