yelda caliskan

Stay away from this property or get ready to have a lot of issue which you cannot solve with the management. Double parking fees, broken heater which was not fixed for 5 days during the coldest time of the winter are among a few more problem I encountered and trust me not the biggest problems I have encountered, funny right? First problem I had with this property started very early on my lease. For some reason the conservice bill was charged after the 1st of the month and as a good resident I was punished for paying my rent ahead of time I tried to contact the management as I received no response I decided to contact aimco and even their supervisors rejected that unfairly charged $100. Second, there is always a flat fee for $100 to be charged for you get ready for that! I have never lived in a place which charged $100 for forgetting your key inside this is freaking unbelievable. Third and not least problem was the one that drove me crazy was when they were not able to process a payment from an account which is mysterious because funds available on that account was much greater than what was paid for and was used to make payments, I was charged $50 this time πŸ™‚ Fourth, people park at your designated parking lot which you pay for every single month, and those are the people who do not have parking permit. Not only that the designated spot is so small they keep hitting my car, I have called and called the office guess what no body has addressed this issue, they just send a friendly notice. Let me tell you it was very helpful πŸ™‚ Fifth, trying to get the hell out of this place. Today, I received an email saying that they will charge me $100 to be exact $107 this time πŸ™‚ for notifying them not within the 60 day prior frame. Thank god I have email communications proving my notice was indeed 60 day prior so I will be able to report them maybe get the last $100 πŸ™‚ If you already signed a lease and moving in good luck and if you are looking to live in a new place I would not dare living here or I would rent an apartment near the leasing office so I can easily go there and fight with them every time they did something like that.