Arda Kanberoglu

I lived in Foxchase apartments for 3 weeks and had to leave because of personal reasons. I'm 23 just graduated from college and got a job opportunity out in DC. This establishment tied over $4000 onto me because I had to leave due to certain circumstances but even after explaining to them that I just don't have that money they wouldn't work with me at all. Wayne Harris is the worst manager at the establishment because after being told to get into contact with him I sent him an email explaining how I only stayed for 3 weeks and had to leave because of certain reasons he just told one of the other workers at Foxchase, ingnored my email and I had to find out his answer by calling Foxchase and have someone's else explain to me what his highness Wayned Harris said which was basically "we can't help you at all"... completely unprofessional organization and would no way at all recommend it to anyone. After a million phone calls they were able to drop it down a little above 3 grand that I now have to pay $266 a month for a year.... if you are 100% committed to this place and can somehow predict that you won't have to leave due to family/work/illness then stay because they won't cut you slack at all... Again, I stayed three weeks at the place and everything was exactly the way it was when I moved in but because they are starting to get a bad rep (on basically every online review website) they will try to milk as much money out of you...Don't make my mistake and make sure you have a lawyer to look over their move in contact and just a lawyer in general if you are living at Foxchase in Alexandria....they are sneaky...