Kat Tatsu

The worst thing as a female renter is having to ask the leasing center, multiple times, WHAT WILL BE DONE ABOUT BUILDING SECURITY?! Oh I guess I should be thankful we're getting fancy door locks now, but damn can you train your staff to have better answers than, "well we can't stop people from forcing the door open". EXCUSE ME?! Your people are a joke, your company is a joke, your business acumen and service skills are a joke, and if I had the chance to do it all over again I would've moved out and not renewed my lease. I waited too long to find another place- but I'm looking now and with luck and planning I'll be out of here SOON. These people have no clue how to run a complex. And these kids they hire couldn't tell a fart from febreze. They have fancy Surface tablets, with big screens and couches in the leasing center, while the apartments are INFESTED, wood is rotting all over, and the front doors can be pried open VERY EASILY- not to mention the poor state of the grounds. I will say that I saw people cleaning up in the mornings, which I am grateful for. They have more customer service skills than the people in the office. Like damn, if I'm visibly upset ONE WOULD THINK to have more positive answers...if the cleanup crew is nicer and more hospitable than your leasing crew, you gotta problem, bub. Don't be fooled by the cheap rent, and seemingly nice apartments, guys...it's not worth it. *sigh* I just don't know why it's so hard to find good apartments in this area. Oh well. EDIT: reading reviews, I see A LOT of waaaaay too positive reviews by ppl who've only made 1 or 2 reviews on google...looks suspiciously like bots or paid reviews smh