Gene Maddux

Horrible experience - mice and bugs - little to no assistance with either issue. Neighbors in building had double-digit numbers of people living in 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Drunk in building slamming on doors in the middle of night begging for money. Same drunk passed out by mailboxes. All reported, nothing done about it. There was a constant smell to the ridiculously small apartment that we couldn't figure out....while cleaning out the apartment, I pulled out the fridge and found piles of mouse droppings basically "cooking" on the fridge engine....would explain why we were sick more often that year.... To top it all off, when I went to apply for an auto loan, I find out that I have a hit on my credit from this place....when I call to clear it up, I get sent from one office to another, until I end up having to leave a voice mail. Absolutely ridiculous customer service!!!!