Courtney Hearon

So their business hours are 9:30 til 6pm. It's 10:21 and nobody is still there. For the price that you pay for these apartments you would think you could reach someone anytime. Ummmmm no. But let your rent be late or that what they call a front porch be dirty. You will receive a notice so fast. this is terrible. Now it's 90 degrees outside and one of my clients windows will not open and nobody to actually talk to. I guess this is how they treat their disabled tenants. DO NOT MOVE OVER HERE. The company that does the landscaping will go through your outside storage. When asked what are they doing they say looking for their stuff. Not in my clients property not to mention they start cutting the grass at 7:30 what about the 3rd shift tenants that just got off of work save yourself and others. DO NOT RENT FROM HERE!