Vanessa De La Cruz

This place seemed great when we decided to move in! Once the first bill came we see all these extra fees! $30 just for a carport parking! They don't give you a complimentary parking just for already being a renter. You seriously have to pay for every space & it's not a guarantee you'll even find one! They have a 3rd party meter the water, sewer, trash and we get billed for the statements they send out! I don't need the statement since the same information is on the online portal provided by Hidden Cove! Management is a joke! You question the fees & they just want to get you off the phone. They never answer & when they do some are clueless and seem like they need to be educated. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS PLACE to anyone who is wanting to move up in life or even if an apartment is your choice of living. The fees WILL go up every month and the rent yearly!