Donivan Lee

My wife and I have been living her for years and there are several times we have felt that the property management cares more about making money instead of its residents. For example, we have extremely rude neighbors who live in appartment 258 who, every now and again, blast their horrible music so load you can hear it from outside in the parking lot and through the walls several appartments away. We have made several complaints over the years and these people are still allowed to live here. Another example is that the property management occassionally gives out to many temperary parking passes. It is understandable that they would charge people to get a temp pass, but there have been times that they gave out to many of them and resulted in many of us ACTUAL residents to park on the street. As the property managers you shoul know how many cars are registered to your renters at any given time. We are the ones paying rent which means we should get priority to park inside the complex over guests. If the complex has reached its capacity then you should stop issuing temp passes.