Mr. Crypto

DO NOT MOVE HERE DO NOT RENT HERE THERE ARE A LOT OF OTHER OPTIONS, AND THIS SHOULDN'T BE ONE OF THEM. Had to ask 5 different times to get the AC fixed because they didn't want to replace it. maintenance had the audacity to tell me that the heater was working just fine when it was blowing out cool air... Fast forward a few weeks to when we had heavy rains going on and we wind up getting tons of water stuck inside of the dry wall next to the AC. So only after I had a massive thing of water stuck in my wall which caused the dry wall itself to stick out to the point where it could have burst open did we get the AC replaced. For rent being what it is at this apartment, that's ridiculous. In order to get the dry wall fixed we had to live with a torn up apartment that had flex piping running from our kitchen sink to the drenched portion of the wall. This took over 2 weeks to fix and we still had to pay full rent? of course we did, it's hidden coves!! when I called to complain about the situation I was basically told that the place was habitable and that full rent would be required without recourse for me as a renter in any way shape or form. Save for this Yelp review but come on! it gets better. The gate is CONSISTENTLY BROKEN so please don't think for a second that you are really living in a gated community. You are not. The gardening staff here takes just about all day to complete their work, not sure what to say about that except that it really adds to the feeling that we are being over charged for what adds up to be a trash heap of an apartment. Inspect your wooden floors carefully if you decide to move forward (please don't move forward...) as our ended up being wavy and warped. In fact the first week we moved in we had to have the repair guy come in to fix a lifted board in our kitchen. He put some wood glue underneath it and SMASHED IT WITH HIS FOOT A FEW TIMES before he told me "eh okay it's all done." What a hack job of a repair. We also had to have our cast iron sink replaced, but only AFTER they insisted on scrubbing the rust away TWO DIFFERENT TIMES BEFORE ACCEPTING A REQUEST FOR A NEW SINK, HOW DISGUSTING AND CHEAP OF THEM. Oh and most recently our keys stopped working in the lock for the front door. we had to have the whole lock replaced and the keys still didn't work. IT TOOK 3 TRIPS FOR THEM TO GET US WORKING KEYS TO OUR UNIT IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR LEASE!! Was never told that there would be no security actually on site, which really stinks when the neighbor's are partying past mid-night and there's no recourse but to call a hotline number and wait for an hour or more for them to show up and look around. If that. Our gate clickers needed to be replaced 3 different times before they would operate the gate without getting out of the car and walking up to it and even then, the gate is broken most of the time anyway. If you get lucky, it breaks in an open position - allowing you and ANYONE else to come and go freely. If you are unlucky it breaks when it's in the closed position and you have to drive all the way around to the other side of the complex to get back onto the road. Really a nice touch to starting the work day. This place will charge you for ALL the "extras" like carport parking for $30 a month on top of your insanely high rent pricing. It's a ghetto complex with a pretty paint job and a bunch of staff members that don't really give a hoot if you need anything. They must think that there's always someone willing to move in but I'd bet a dollar that says this place goes under or is sold to new management the way things are going. DO NOT MOVE HERE. NOT WORTH IT.