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Hidden Cove was my worse place to rent from. They are about exploiting you for money. They are awful regarding communication: I would call several times trying to reach someone in the office, left messages on several occasions but would not get a call back, when you finally stop by the office you hear many excuses especially we did not get a message. Same issue with written communication, I would write them letters on different occasion on concerns, or need for repairs and also would not get a reply. Once there was no water,and no warning. This was a Sunday which ran into Monday. I ended up renting a hotel since for 1 day. When I send them the bill, they claim they will not pay because they have arrangement for residents to do things like shower on the premiss. Also, they had my car towed, when I inquired they claim my looked like it had not been moved recently. What business is their if I go on vacation and leave my car in my assigned paid parking? Makes no sense. It looks like they have some back door deal with the tow company (very unprofessional and rude). When I ask the towing guy for his why he towed my car he bragged: "because I can", I asked if he wish to repeat that (this was a phone call), he refused...maybe was afraid I started recording the call. When I ask for his name, he also refused. This towing company seem to do a better job lurking on the premises looking for cars to tow both day and night, than the office does in communicating. When I went to pick up the car, he told me I can complain to the police and added that they have close relations with the local police office department. Sounds corrupted.The other complaints stated on here is also true. The told me I can't have my bicycle on the patio. The pool area is often noisy even late at night with folks (many seems to be non-resident) hanging around and sometimes inappropriate behaviors. There is also a lot of turn over in the front office. They seems to play games when it comes to lease renewal. E.g. they would indicate a quote you a renewal rate 2 months in advance, then when you stop by to renew, they claim the rate changed and they have no control over it. They renewal is always higher. I have always paid my rent in full and on time. But once I had accidentally use my other checking account to write pay the rent (a mistake I made since I had a death in the family). I did not know I had send them the wrong checking account. I came home from work one day and find letters on my door with threaten lawsuit. I called the office to inquire what happened; and left a message since I didn't reach any one. Next day I got another letter demanding immediate payment by money order. I tried again to reach someone from the office but in vain. Since they open when I am at work I did't have time to wait by their office, so I did the money order during my lunch break and dropped in off in their night box. I included a letter inquiring when happened and for the check I sent them or at least a copy. No response. Other occasion, I cause the manager lying. On my move out, they found ways to change me ridiculous fees, they even changed the lease so they could charge you more. The apartment was left very clean. They pick as things like pulling the ridge and saying it had not been sweep. Same for the stove. Non-sense like these. I simply told them their deeds will follow them. MAKE A STATEMENT BY NOT RENTING AT HIDDEN COVE. Spread the word.They use residence and worship money and robbing you. There are move examples but you get the point.