Dave B.

I was a tenant at Hillcreste. It was a horrible experience! 1) They kept a dossier on all my activities. The manager Norma lowered a camera from the roof on to my 2 patios and took pictures. Maybe she also took pictures inside the adjacent bedroom where children were. Many of the employees also live on the premises, and they also report on your activities as well. 2)The utility company mails them the monthly bill for the entire building. They supposed to pay their share equitably with all the tenants. All of a sudden our rates increased 100% from the previous month and stayed 100% up. This is a classic case of the fox watching the hen house. They make the tenants pay the whole bill and they don't pay their share. This scheme was devised by Kevin the area supervisor. 3) The club house is sparkling clean because that is where prospective tenants come to the leasing office. They hardly ever clean the apartment buildings themselves where the tenants actually live. 4) Very noisy! It is located on Pico with a firestation nearby with fire trucks, ambulances and police cars sirens constantly rumbling by. They have a sign in front for sewer repair coming soon that will last 1 year. 5) The pig wears lipstick on Pico. Overated place! Stay away