Tabitha M.

Its been over 2 years since living at the hell creste apartments! I'm merely writing this now because I am finally back to being my normal healthy self. I had tremendous health issues living there due to extreme mold exposure within my ac unit and in the bathroom in the floors and carpet and walls. This is an epidemic there! These apartments are very old they were built in the 70"s and just renovated with paint and minor up grades to the appliances, but other than that there is major floods over the years and when i lived there they had carpet which was poorly replaced and ac and water heaters that where so old and always on the fritz., I also experienced a gas leak that was by my car. Who knows how long that was there? I told Norma about it many times and she did nothing I myself had to call the gas company to come check and they found the meter in front of my car had been leaking ! I also had to hire my own certified mold tester to come out to test the toxic mold that i was ingesting and coughing up! I knew something was wrong when I began to couch up black phlegm! I want people to know what they are getting into by moving there I wish someone would have saved me from this disaster it cost me thousands of dollars in doctor bills many health issues and lots of stress, you can not imagine after also involving the city whom also agreed there was a mold infestation the hell creste response was giving me a letter stating I may not live there or at any of there sister buildings. This was a blessing in disguise because I would have never stayed there anyways. There is so much more I could write about my horrible experience living there, but i think by now you get the point! Please do not impair your health this is true and serious ! I hope that I may have saved someone by moving there and having this happen to them , GOOD LUCK , take care