Setting Standards High

Moved family into a unit that's not renovated and it's very awkward. Kitchen has a door and wall blocking it from living room. All should be renovated at this point. My daughter thought they would be in different layout without this wall. Did virtual tour should've done in person. Seems different than virtual but leasing agent said it was the exact same apartment. Dead bugs throughout unit. It had not been deep cleaned. I'm a property manager in Georgia and this would've been unacceptable. No light in second bedroom but it has a light switch. I had pest control go out as bugs are still coming. Not sure if pest control is included obviously not with the amount of centipedes and spiders around. It's nice coming in neighborhood but to have a bottom wood facing apartment these should've been the first to be renovated to liven it up. Leasing agent was nice and very helpful. Hadn't had time to address issues as l stated me being a property manager I've tried to handle myself while i was there. Deep cleaned myself and hired pest service. Garage is far away from apartment so not as convenient as would like it but happy to have one. Area is nice and per the crime map has low crime compared to other neighborhoods in city.