Li Wang

About 8 years ago I lived there and left 1 year after. Watched a TikTok video, which reminded me a bad experience happened in Hillmeade apartment. And come back to leave this message. They asked me to take off a deco of my culture from the front door, even though it's ok to hang a reef, in a very bad attitude. Today I know that not appropriate and discriminatory behavior. If time went back, I would like to talk to an attorney first. Second, they charged me a couple of hundred dollars for painting due to some dirt hints on the wall, which is usually be treated as normal worn in other departments. I used this example to double confirming whenever I rent an apartment. Some of the agents commented that I probably be taken advantage. Today, I am surprised but not surprised so many people were asked for the painting fee. Lol. but I have to admit, Hillmeade has beautiful fall season views.