Casey Jo

Let's begin with the office staff. If there was ever a question, issue, or concern, the office staff was not helpful. Rather than admit culpability for a problem, they never seemed to be knowledgeable or apologetic. The property manager, Ronnie, is rude, unprofessional, condescending and standoffish. He cares about money. He does not care about the residents. The maintenance staff never once informed me prior to entering my apartment, which by TN law is illegal. If/when they were in the apartment, they never left a work order. So there was zero proof that any work was actually completed. Several times I came home to lights left on and the door unlocked. Hillmeade boasts about making residents feel welcome. That is a colossal joke. There was not one time in the 14 months of residing at this address that I felt like I was home. This staff has zero concerns for the residents. They care about money and doing the absolute bare minimum, if that. They do not care about quality of life, making a hospitable environment, or being a supportive presence in the community. I am beyond happy and relieved to have escaped the lies, deceit, and shameful actions of Hillmeade and would absolutely discourage anyone from ever wasting their time and money by renting an apartment at this complex.