Brian Duke

The first impression of this place was very lovely. Amber was very helpful and great throughout. The apartment was nice, but I was still cautious about moving in because of the bad reviews. I was told while putting in the application, the $300 was for holding the room to take it off the market. I was also instructed that I had up to a week to decide, at that point if I wanted to back out, the $300 would be refunded. All of this happened to be false. From seeing the terrible reviews I felt it was important before making my final decision that I inspect the apartment throughly. Up to this point I was only dealing with Amber, however, she was not present that day. So I had the privilege of dealing with their manager, Ron Robertson. He was very rude. He was offended for me questioning the reviews, and throughly inspecting the apartment. After all, this is a commitment where I would lock myself into paying $17,000 of my hard earned money for an entire year. So from my experience of dealing with Ron Robertson, I decided it was my best interest I do not move forward. Then they decided not to refund my money. This was within one week of which I was promised, if I change my mind I would receive my refund. Ron Robertson instructed me since I held a room that I would not receive my refund. So what was the point of dropping $300 if the apartment would stay on the market, and then I would lose it? Ron Robertson also couldn't inform me on legal paperwork instructing me about this. Amber was very delightful, helpful, and did nothing wrong. This is clearly Ron Robertson's fault due to his incompetence of training his employees. My experience with Ron Robertson showed that he only cares about generating revenue, and baiting gullible and desperate people looking for reasonable housing. He is a liar and a con artist. He does not demonstrate good practice for honest people.