I read the bad reviews, but I thought "hey, let me at least check it out". My husband and I are moving to Nashville at the end of this month. We reached out to Hillmeade and made an appointment and confirmed, via text message, our date and time. 2 days before we come to town I get a message asking to reschedule. I informed the Hillmeade rep that we had a plane that was departing around that time and we would like to keep our original appointment. She responded with, "sorry, we don't have a rep available at that time." They could care less! I'm not sure who got their wires crossed in that office but I'm guessing if they can't honor an appointment that was made 2 weeks ago, they probably don't/won't respond to tenants in a timely fashion either--as indicated by the plethora of bad reviews. This was a good riddance moment. Their unprofessionalism coupled with the reviews on here made this and easy 'pass'.