Sydney Kauf

DO NOT LIVE HERE! Aimco and the Hillmeade Leasing office is full of con artists. Trying to get every penny out of you any chance they can. We have lived here for the past two years and the first year was great until we tried to switch apartments to downsize. Here are the reasons why : 1. We were promised a 3rd floor apartment and ended up with a 1st floor (found out after signing lease) 2. Apartment was filled with smoke smell and we couldn't even handle staying in the apartment longer than 20 min 3. Pay for a "gated community" when the gate hasn't worked 1x this entire year. 4. Car gets towed because there isn't enough spots for the number of people living in the buildings. 5. Electric over 300$ in the winter because of poor insulation and broken heaters 6. We filled out a form when we first moved in stating all the damage in the apartment to make sure we didn't get charged at move out and they conveniently "lost it" 7. Over 4 managers in 1 year and no-one communicates or knows what they are doing. I want so badly to leave a good receive for this complex because I love the layout , screened in porches and the location but its not worth that awful management and maintenance.