Michael Dotson

I'm modifying this review as it is under new management, but the 1 star is still valid. The complex does NOT guarantee parking for residents. They use to include one reserved spot per apartment, but that is no longer the case. They also claim to have a 1 warning policy on parking in reserved spots. First time, you get a sticker warning. Second time? A tow. This makes sense, except they don't follow it. I just picked up my new car from the lot, and went to pick up my brother and sister in law for dinner. There was no parking (as there is oft due to the above mentioned issue) so I parked in a spot that is usually empty for 20 minutes to wait for my sister in law to get home. In that time, the rep for the apartments called a tow truck to try and have my car towed. When I went out, they said it would be $75 because the driver "lowered their bed". My brother insisted on paying, and I didn't want to make a problem for him by just driving away. My brother then asked the apartment rep why they instantly went for a tow truck when just the previous week, they emailed residents informing them of the new warning policy. The apartment rep said "I didn't send out any emails" and "I'm not talking to you about this" and walked off. These people are scum, and treat their residents like commodities. Avoid them.