Juliana Lewis

I was fooled by this place having the largest square-footage for price in the entire Nashville area. Don't follow in my footsteps. The management company is the absolute worst ever. The construction of the units follows suit. You WILL have ongoing pest issues, cracks popping up in the ceiling and potentially the ceiling falling into your bath tub (my experience) or into your kitchen dinner (a different unit's experience), water pressure issues, a disgusting trash dumpster to go to that may have raccoons jumping out of the compactor as soon as you open the door, external door frame issues (which contribute to higher electric bills in both the summer and winter, as well as pests), door paint peeling off with "promises to paint" that are only filled once you scream and complain for months, outlets busting repeatedly, items repaired (such as door hinges, shower ceilings and lights) without the maintenance team cleaning up afterwards, A/C units breaking, and lengthy response times from the maintenance team (4 days to weeks.... I experienced months in one case). Last but not least, the front "gate" has never worked for more than a couple days consecutively and so this is NOT a "gated community." Quite the opposite actually. If you're lucky enough to rent an unrenovated unit you will have the safety of two doors ( a glass storm door and a flimsy internal door). If you're unlucky enough to rent a renovated unit, such as I did, you will have one flimsy external door. Your safety is not a concern here. And as JIW W wrote below, they DO NOT keep the grounds clean. I type this as there is a 20 foot piece of metal in the front lawn area. I've been trying for a year to get them to rake the leaves. Empty promises is what I get in return. Believe the reviews; most of the good ones are only after a couple months of living here, during which they are much more responsive. What will you get if you rent here? A huge headache without any kickback from management. No apologies (maybe verbal ones, but nothing that truly counts) and guess what? If you have extended your lease by 8 months, an option provided to secure your rent after living here for two months, and then decide, due to the horrible lifestyle, that you want out and you will give 6-months notice or more, you're still responsible for the entirety of the lease. Noticing all the vacancies they have I understand why: this property has a bad reputation and is feeling the hurt. And the current tenants are punished. Buyer beware!