Ian Hamilton

I would highly recommend NOT renting at Hillmeade Apartments. Since we had started renting last summer to when we left a year later we had 3 different management teams. If that doesn't say enough let me continue. Oh and if you're reading 5 star reviews chances are they're trying to win the 1,000 or 1,500 dollar raffle for leaving reviews.. First and foremost see that big gate in the front that supposed to make you feel safe and comfortable at night? Expect that 3 months of the year it'll actually by functioning. During the winter months our water was emergently shut off 5 or 6 times each time we received an email on how the situation would be handled and it won't be a problem again.. Unfortunately I now have to drive and buy bottled water for us and our dog and then go to the "open" apartment where we could go for showers etc. Our dishwasher plumbing burst and had water all over the kitchen floor. We placed a service request and a week later a maintenance person shows up. They complain about how it was installed with the wrong size of piping and now they have to redo the drain system. So we wait another week as they order new parts and have to strip the cheap flooring because now mold has grown behind the base board. While all of our friend's apartments opened their pools for the summer, Hillmeade failed their inspection a week after their's had opened. They "claimed" it was the numbers not having the word feet on the sides, however, a month later it magically still did not say feet but somehow they passed and had the pool open. Why lie? Who knows. So we missed out on a months worth of swimming at the pool. And even then they don't maintain the pool so bugs and leaves are left floating in the pool If you're expecting well built apartments this is not the place for you. The floors are uneven (I'm nowhere near the first person on reviews to claim this) and the walls and floors are so thin I could tell you where my upstairs neighbor was at all time of the day. Without warning they'll do construction and renovations on a neighboring apartment which has started as early as 8am with hammering on the walls. The stairs to the upstairs apartment was falling apart. So 4 months and multiple complaints later they started the fix... Joy. The company they used left a brace to hold up the railing which blocked our entire walkway. When we called the leasing office like usual no one responds and good luck leaving a voice message as a current resident. No one responds. A few days later my wife cuts her foot on a rusty nail. We complain and suddenly the brace is off and we're getting apology letters. Glad they care about lawsuits. Don't even bother with wondering if you'll get your $300 refund check back. We left with a couple smaller than nickel size holes in the wall and a couple places for touch up paint (sure who doesn't). We get billed $210 for paint and fixes. Not including $90 for service fees like valet trash and water which we were only renting through the 10th. So essentially $90 for 10 days... This apartment is bad news from the get go. Save yourself a lot of time and energy moving somewhere else. The management staff is full of broken promises and inefficient. The new management will claim it was because of the old management. However, I just got off the phone with management about the $90 service fees. I went into the office over a month ago and asked about the fees. The gentleman working the office was polite and said they would waive the fees since we were moved out and would t be using services for more than a month before our lease ends and will write a note down with the keys for the manager.. guess what? No note... So they won't honor it.They'll claim you're their number one concern. However, all they care about is money. But if you don't trust me, just read the majority of reviews that just happen to be 1 star. Or don't, there plenty of 5 stars they get from money incentives that keep the average above 2 stars... Pathetic