Paul Pippin

Do not live here if you care about your future. There were countless hidden fees in the short time I lived there for a very outdated apartment. Not only was the staff unfriendly, but they personally go out of their ways to make your life harder. They practice bad business and are in a word: Petty. There is no parking. You have to pay at least $15 a month per car and that does not get you a spot. That is for pouring salt on the roads for winter months. There was ice on the hills one day, and they refused to pour salt and risked everyone's safety even though we all pay for that service. It is another $40 a month to actually have a parking spot. If you do anything other than that you will get towed and their staff drives around finding cars and calls the tow truck. As I was moving out a lady staff member slapped a huge green sticker on my car for towing and told me to get soap and water to take it off which made my newly washed car look like trash. Our electric bills were over $400 a month and our heater did not even work. It was freezing in our apartment, and they refused to fix it. They raised the trash valet monthly fee because someone (who may have not even lived there) put some trash next to the dumpster instead of inside it. Why would we all need to pay more for that? They also delivered this news in an unapologetic, snarky email that blamed everyone who lived there for one person's mistake. If they choose to evict you, even if you comply, they will still charge you about $12,000 of fees such as: repainting the walls (I lived here for 2 months tops) and they said our stairs were broken. They are actually incentivized to kick you out and use their lawyers to get what you would have paid in rent, then finding another victim to pay rent for their outdated, bug infested, and un-insulated apartments. The rent is over priced and with all of the hidden fees you can easily add another $600 a month in fees to your monthly bill. You would be better off buying a house or finding literally any other apartment complex in bellevue.