Danielle Haiden

My friend fell through their cheap and poorly maintained floors. If he hadn't caught himself at the armpits above the 10 feet of nothingness storage space under my apartment, he would have been impaled on a 6 foot tall piece of metal rebar/pole right below the front door. I should have sued. Managment - they've had 3 apartment managers and several new waves of service and maintenance staff in the 22 months that I have lived here. There is no notification to the residents and no knowledge sharing of any of the tenants issues in between staff. The first manager never even processed my paperwork to get my ex off of my lease or made him turn in his keys - which I wasn't even made aware of until 12 months after the fact. Apartments - My unit came somewhat clean with not a single unbroken tile in the place (but promises to fix that - just put in a service request!) and a shower that looked like it had been caulked by a person with no clue what they were doing. Unfortunately, the multiple service requests to fix the broken tile and fix the constantly leaking shower and faucets went unanswered while the management office just keeps sending emails that say we've hired new maintenance staff. When someone did show up to fix things, my apartment was left with paint and caulking all over the flooring, no clean up by the maintenance men, and nothing really fixed - just plastered over with more caulking. Once my shower had been "fixed" after so many times, I had to go to the office personally to talk to the second apartment manager (different from the current) to show her pictures of the rotting wall and mold that was behind the "fixed" broken shower to get anything done. Rent - Want to pay your rent on time? Great! But don't rely on their online site which is constantly unable to accept electronic payments so you have to call the number to pay with a credit card for an additional $30-40 fee or you can mail the check - but wait! Did you try to pay your rent on time at the first of the month only to find out that the website is down? Did you mail your check instead - don't worry I'm sure their super slow processing won't charge you the late fee of 10% of your rent! Oh and if your payments are rejected through the website and you don't find out until a few days later - no worries, I'm sure that they can tell you exactly what went wrong on who's end of the payment (them or the bank). Except that they can't ("it just didn't go through, bummer" - exact quote of the office staff), and they will still charge you a late fee. Pool - Want to use the pool in the hot summer months? Great! Except that they don't bother to take care of it during the winter months so it always needs a complete rehaul. When it finally opens, don't expect that any of the daily staff to clean it or provide a pool scooper for leaves extc. Nope - just cleaned once a week and randomly locked all the time with no warning. Security - They have a gated secure entrance that has not worked or been even operationally more than a week's time in the entire 22 months that I lived here. There is a gate key - always have it with you because you never know when you need it. They don't email us on when the gate is working so when it does work randomly one night you better have the key otherwise there is no option but to sit and wait on another car. There is no number to call. There is a operator line who will put a message through to some sort of security officer; but I've never seen him or had him call me or respond to any of my requests. Extra Fees - Like your rent price - be sure to add $20 to pay for your already assigned parking spot that comes with the apartment. Plus $20 trash fee for the privilege of someone coming maybe on the set schedule to pick it up outside your door. Plus pet rents for pets. Plus the extra $5 a month they get for the right to bill you your rent. Overall this apartment complex is a joke of a bunch of facade upgrades (new signs for directions - great use of funds over basic apartment maintenance!) that led them to raise the rent again.