Anon E. Mous

Feeling mislead and increasingly grossed out by this place. The new parking space assignments- and visitors park WHERE? The fake story about residents deciding they "no longer needed or wanted" the metro shuttle. The mice suffering on sticky traps in the storage area, amongst residents' belongings (live traps work much better and are less horrific, btw). The new package locker room, replacing the friendly concierge staff, where we receive shipments for the wrong tenants (with no concierge to hand them to) and impossibly heavy loads in the trick access room where, if you manage to run in there before the buzzer stops, you're apparently free to walk away with as many stolen items as you can carry. The problematic individuals loitering in the retail section are becoming a more threatening presence, and the management company bought that section. Hire security! You can pay their salaries out of your savings from the lovely onsite staff you fired and all the extra fees you're inventing for us. It's embarrassing to have visitors. If there really was a CO2 emergency at the restaurant under the townhomes leading to its closure, and no alert was sent to those residents, shame on you. You have their cell phone numbers. A text alert could be easily whipped up. If that wasn't the case. You folks from California bought this entire place only to take more and give less. Can you try to be a little responsible?