Chioma Chikezie

I just moved into Huntington Gateway, and so far so good. I haven't had any issues, the apartment is spacious and the Smart Rent app makes locking your doors, setting the thermostat and everything easy. This review is mostly to sing the highest praises to Pragna, our leasing agent, was incredibly helpful and answered all of my questions when I visited and moved in. She is kind and repeatedly called to check in on me as I was unpacking and getting settled, and answered ALL of my questions! EDIT TO ONE YEAR LATER: I made my initial review right after I moved in in February 2022. To be honest I love my studio and it's an affordable price (i currently pay around $1530 for an un-renovated studio) , however I signed up to live alone but now I have roommates in the form of COCKROACHES!! Since January 2023 I have had a PERSISTENT roach problem in my kitchen. (i live in a studio so my bedroom is in my kitchen is in my living room) everytime I cook, roaches come out my sink/cupboards to get some scraps. My apartment was sprayed in February, but the roaches came back AGAIN in March. (Once, I was cooking and opened the spice cabinet and came face to face with a roach in my spice cabinet). So they sprayed my apartment AGAIN in late March/early April. After i cleared out my kitchen to have them spray for roaches, I moved almost ALL of my kitchen into my pantry and my kitchen counters/cupboards have been barebones empty for about 2 months. Today on Memorial Day I cook a real breakfast + a real dinner and guess who I saw come out? Another mf roach. My lease is up in less than a month and I really am very excited to finally live in a place free of roaches