Eddie Duke

Don't trust any reviews that are saying eight or nine out of 10. The new owners do not give any types of craps about the residents. They are currently painting the outside of the building which must cost a lot but all of our outside locks are not functioning with the exception of the locks that they use to show people around the building. There was a great and amazingly secure system before but now there's a cheap number pad that only locks on a few doors. Eva is condescending, the other guy is cool. They have threatened to come into our apartments and evict people over smoking even though this community has been a smoking community forever. All of the carpets in the hallways in both buildings stink and are filthy. The pools don't work anymore, its not as safe, and the new owners clearly are just trying to hurry up and flip it so that it's not their problem anymore. The old owner cared about the residents and prioritized our safety. I hope that this new company understands that they have increased our rent and taken away all of our amenities. Do not recommend under this owner.