Benjamin Adkins

Unfortunately with the new management Customer service has went down the toilet! The concierge does not care about helping tenants anymore. I see concierge and management leaving the main office and laughing around the property while people are waiting on their packages to be given to them. I also had a very dangerous experience. There was a fire in the apartment across the hall from me and I pulled the fire alarm. IT DID NOT TRIGGER THE ALARM, IT DID NOT WORK! I told the concierge desk and I was brushed off. The person said "do you want me to call the fire department ? They are going to kick you out of the building" luckily the tenants in the other apartment put the fire out(it was in the oven). But the entire hallway was Smokey and there was a smell of smoke lingering throughout the floor for a couple hours after that. What if the fire spread ? So many possibilities and the fire alarm did not work. But on a positive note maintenance is good and my rent is a pretty good price.