Jael K.

I will keep it simple and straight to the point. These are things I am dealing with as a tenant living here for a year and some change.- Constant, ongoing renovations in the apartment above mine. When I asked about how long the renovations were going to take, management repeatedly acts like they have no idea there are renovations going on. They keep saying there are no renovations going on in *apartment number* despite me seeing it with my own eyes (yes, I went up there and spoke to the men renovating) and hearing it every weekday from 930ish - 1pm. I have even provided video proof to the leasing manager of the noise. I work from home, so this is extremely disruptive. They are hammering away as I type this. This has been going on since at LEAST October 2021. It is now almost October 2022.- To date, 4 different packages of mine have gone "missing" from the leasing office. Their policy is residents must pick up their packages from the leasing office once they receive an alert from the office. I have also received notifications for other residents' packages so I'm sure they have received mine. The leasing office has offered no compensation, apology, or real follow up so someone has just been enjoying the goods that I paid for. That's called theft. - They have gotten rid of the shuttle that people relied on to get to the Metro. They instead directed us to use the bus stop or walk (I guess the older and/or disabled residents that used the shuttle were not taken into consideration). There was also a shooting at that bus stop recently. Seems safe, right?- When it came time to renew my lease, management sent me the renewal offer at 6:30 PM and said I had until the "end of that day" to let them know if I was going to accept the lease. They did not even give me a full business day to weigh my options. Oh, they also jacked up the rent $400 (around a 31% increase) for the exact same apartment (with zero renovations). I believe this was intentional. It is very clear they are trying to rid this building of its existing tenants and replace them with people willing to pay over 2K to live in an area where they could be shot at the bus stop. Also, all of my kitchen appliances are from the 80s. - Shady people in this area use: the common area, the garage, and the side of building 2 to engage in their shady activities. As a woman, I refuse to go outside after certain hours without my boyfriend. - Management almost towed my car from the parking garage for NO reason. The note they put on my car said I did not have a valid parking permit (that we have to pay $75 a month for). I took a picture of the parking pass that was clearly displayed in my windshield and went to speak to management. They just scratched their head and said they made a mistake. That mistake would have costed me hundreds of dollars that I am certain they would have not helped me cover. Luckily, I was able to speak to them before my car was towed. That's all I have to say. Choose wisely when considering living here.