Keiana S.

I've lived here since 2019 (2.5 years) and I've never really considered it "luxurious". For example inside our apartment the carpet is cheap, the paint is peeling off the doors, when they painted in general they did not clean the walls specifically in the bathroom so there are/were multiple spots where you can see the last tenant strands of hair under the paint (gross lol), needless to say we had to deep clean the apartment when we moved in, the appliances were dented and damaged, the windows let in so much heat even with the blinds closed that our electric bill gets upwards of $270+ a month, in our living room which is decently sized there is one window that opens and it's only a ventilation window, etc. I definitely feel like we pay a bit to much for our apartment. When we tried to negotiate our rent at our lease renewal the last management team told us it was illegal for them to lower our rent. The last management also told us a base rent of $1900 when we first looked here and then bumped it up $100+ once we said we would take the apartment. We pay $2012 base rent (that includes a military discount), $35 a month for our dog, average $55 a month for shared utilities so our direct rent to them is about $2102 for a 2 bed 2 bath (I believe 1,800 sq ft though the layout is sort of awkward so a lot goes unused). However there's also our electric bill which as I said is always high due to the windows letting in so much heat/cool air. So in total we pay up to about $2,372 a month. A month or so ago someone threw up on the elevator on a Friday night. It was STILL THERE by Sunday night, rather than cleaning it they put broke down card board box over it. They also say there's a call box but we've never been able to get it to work so getting food delivered to your door is an absolute nightmare. Now I would like to mention that we are under new management. The last management company was absolutely AWFUL and sketchy. The new company seems more professional but they do NOT care about their residents, only money. They lowered the military discount to 3% from 5% which I don't like given that they also raised rent prices. They also raised pet rent to $50 instead of the previous $35. They come up with any excuse possible to get even an extra penny out of you.Parking is terrible for $75 a month. You can only access building 2 from the first and second level. There's never any parking there though because people from building one, guests, and motorcycles park there even though they aren't supposed to and management does nothing about it. Plus the gate is ALWAYS broken so its not even secure There also seems to be a lack of communication within the office. I've had to complain due to noise (which I'll get into next) and each person I talked to said they'd pass it to management, needless to say whenever I'd call back the person I'd talk to would say they have no record of my complaint. We now just suck up any complaints we have because of that because there's no use. Now, regarding the noise, they are currently remodeling some apartments which is really great don't get me wrong. However, the noise of these remodels is absolutely unbearable. As someone else mentioned it is so loud that it sounds like someone is inside your apartment with a jackhammer! When I called the office to ask why we were given no notice about this (they're working on the apartment above us AND next to us) they had no answer for me. Now I get it, they have work to do and they have to get it done sometime, but some sort of notice would have been nice. What is completely unacceptable is there have been TWO TIMES now where they have still been doing very loud construction type work in the apartment next to us at 9 p.m. When we called they said "no one should be working right now" okay, that's great so why are they? lol. She tried telling me that there wasn't anybody there. However I saw the workers entering and leaving the apartment with tools AND I could hear them blaring their music through our wall. She said she would look into and have management call me but they didn't. I do not recommend renting here, there are much nicer apartments with better amenities that are more affordable. I can't wait till we're able to move out and I wish we would have never renewed our lease with this terrible place. Overpriced garbage.