On our building tour, we specifically asked the manager if there were any additional fees per month that we would be charged, as we had read previous building reviews with unhappy tenants. The manager said there were additional building fees, but they are generally around $50. Over our 15 month lease, these bills have ranged from $88-$140, averaging $117 per month. These fees are mainly for common area heating/cooling/electricity. One month our "trash fee" was $17. These fees are just absurd. This doesn't include the separate electricity bill we pay to a private company or cable and internet.Whatever it is that controls the heating and hot water frequently breaks down, as we have lost heat and hot water several times over 15 months.Our window was leaking, literally soaking the carpet and making the wall bubble. We didn't care about the aesthetics, but wanted to inform the maintenance staff in case there was a bigger problem that needed to be dealt with. The maintenance employee literally just cut the piece of wall out and re-plastered it, without ever attempting to fix the actual problem. Just a bandaid for a larger issue. Our window even grows a thick coat of ice (on the inside!) throughout the winter.The elevators had never worked properly since we moved in, some times we had to push the door shut so it could function. Over the Christmas break, all three elevators broke down for several days. Now, one month later, only two of the three are functioning and they are worse than ever. The doors always need to be pushed shut and the display to show which floor you are on does not work in one. Who knows why the third is still not functioning.After we moved in and paid our pet deposit and dog rent, we were informed while walking through the lobby that dogs needed to be taken out the back door, beside the dumpsters. There was constantly broken glass and garbage everywhere. Many times I found shards of glass on my door mat in my apartment from my shoes after taking the dog out. After a couple months, the back door stopped working properly. Our FOB wouldn't work and the door would jam. Several times we walked all the way to the back door, then found that we could not get in, and had to walk back to the front, only to receive dirty looks from the door man. Once we were told just to keep knocking until we could be let in. I pay rent, and my dog pays rent, there is no reason we should have to face all these issues.Aside from the bathrooms and kitchen, there are no ceiling lights, so lamps are necessary. Our refrigerator didn't have a handle so it was very difficult to open the door with wet or full hands. Some of the door men are fabulous and extremely friendly. Others are cranky and don't so much as look at you and say hello, let alone buzz open the door for you if they are "busy". Sometimes they can be very strict and almost make you feel unwelcome in your own home.We were happy with our individual unit and our view of the city, the park, and the lake. However, after our 15 month lease is up, they wanted to raise our rent by 15%, almost $200 more per month (plus dog rent, plus parking, plus "additional fees"). It's just not practical, nor is this building worth that kind of money.Management changed several times over our 15 months rental period and we could never get help when needed because the policies changed each time a new manager was hired. We moved out at the end of our lease and wouldn't suggest the building to anyone.