You charge for every little thing when it comes to utilities. This is the 21st century when rent prices are higher than ever before and this management group only cares about the money. Would never rent for this company again. Also a mandatory charge that we have no option to opt out of for a smart home that is only linked to the front door and the thermostat. What a joke. I can do all of that from my phone for free yet you think it is ok to charge for it. Also the utility prices change from month to month with wild fluctuations even tho I was a single man living alone and spent most time time at work. Also you have to pay an additional 45$ to park there if you want a spot (no guest parking after 6pm) and they are serious about towing your car as well! Even if you have a parking pass and park in the open parking your car can still get towed. They also charge and energy fee for what you might ask? I don't know but it's 7-8$ a month! They charge for pest control yet a saw spiders everywhere. Dog poop everywhere and all the management does about it is send emails that they will fine you.