Kevin Morrison

I have lived here for three years so far, from 2020 to 2023. Overall, I'd say these apartments are fine but pricey for what they are. I unfortunately cannot recommend, due to the skyrocketing rent (+10% every year) and increasing fees. Apartments are fairly well laid out, but the kitchens are small. Amenities are good. The pools are nice. The gym is small (as most apartment gyms are) but well equipped. In my opinion, the best amenity offered is proximity to hiking and biking trails. You can walk out your front door, and be on the trails in minutes. The hills and the open space are beautiful. If you want to be closer to nature without being too far from the city, this is the place. The buildings themselves are somewhat older, and it does show. My apartment's roof has leaked every winter for the three years that I lived here. Maintenance came and looked at it every year, but it still leaks when it rains heavily. The windows are also poorly sealed, which leads to moisture on my windowsills constantly. In 2020, shortly after my move-in, the pipes burst and flooded my bathroom. Maintenance fixed the issue promptly, but the work to replace bathroom fixtures was sloppy (ie: there are still water stains on the walls/baseboards, white paint on the bathroom floor, damage to caulking around the sink, dents in drywall, etc. caused by their work) My air-conditioning broke down during the hottest part of the summer in 2022, and I spent several days with all my curtains and blinds closed, just hoping the indoor temperature would stay below 90 while I was waiting for a fix. On the upside, the walls must be well insulated, because the dark interior of my apartment stayed in the mid-80s while the outdoors were 110+ F. My washer/dryer needed constant repairs until it was finally replaced after a dozen or so breakdowns and service requests. Luckily, there is a laundromat across the street. None of these are damning problems on their own. I just wouldn't have expected to deal with so many of these problems so frequently while paying premium, luxury apartment rent. And the rent is high, for what these apartments are. Expect that your rent will increase by the maximum legally allowed amount every year (that's +10% every year, no matter what)! And remember: you're outside the city of LA here, so no citywide renter protections can help you. They'll also find little ways to increase fees every year on top of the rent increases themselves (convenience fees, locker delivery fees, and parking fees all increased for 2023!). My rent has increased $700/month over the three years that I lived here. I realize that California housing is a brutal market, but the fact is that the vacancy at Malibu Canyon Apartments is more than ten times what it was when I moved in (60+ available apartments at the moment!). I can't imagine what the logic is behind pushing for maximum allowable rent increases while residents seem to be moving out as quickly as they can. Ultimately, the steep and constant increase in rent and fees is why I could not recommend this complex as a long-term home. Move-out Updates (moving to 1 star): I would now actively advise to not rent here. 1) I was told that I would be charged for repainting after living in the unit for 3.5 years, even for normal wear and tear on the paint. I have never been charged for normal wear and tear, and I am not certain that this is legal. 2) I scheduled an in-person move-out inspection to verify the state of the apartment. AIR Communities provided a 3.5 hour window for the inspection to take place and refused to make an appointment time within the window. I waited in an empty apartment for over 3.5 hours. No one ever showed up to complete the inspection. This is incredibly unprofessional, and is emblematic of the bumbling and disorganized nature of the management of this property.