John S

DO NOT RENT! These units are so poorly built and maintained. The noise from upstairs units is unbearable. They are infested with cockroaches and should be shut down. The pest control company that Air Communities/Aimco use is the lowest corporate bid so the units are not properly treated. Additionally I had a leak that ruined my personal belongings due to the incredibly horrible build quality and insurance has been a nightmare. There is no accountability taken by the on-site staff/ "management". The staff are very competent at being duplicitous liars, yet incompetent with everything else. Once again, there is no accountability. My only option in order to leave this abomination of an apartment community was to terminate my lease early, spending a considerable amount of money to do so. Please take my advice and avoid signing with this community, they are despicable and disgusting. The staff and corporation should be ashamed of this community. There is a reason why there are so many negative reviews on yelp. AVOID!